Spiritual Poverty

Many living in poverty lack a personal connection with God and the understanding that they are wonderfully created by Him with purpose, for a purpose!
Intellectual Poverty

This is not only lack of access to education, knowledge or technology but it affects a person´s self esteem, as they see themselves as worthless, useless, or incapable.
Poverty of Affection

For many, violence is a daily reality. They live without love, surrounded by hatred, bitterness, low self-esteem, and selfishness. Most have not received appropriate love in their lives and treat their children in the same ways they have been treated.
Poverty of the Will

The lack of will keeps many from finishing their studies, committing to their spouses, many fall into substance abuse or sexual exploitation and lack the will to break free for cycles of poverty.
Physical Poverty

Malnutrition, unsafe working conditions, and limited access to healthcare are all too common and affect children and adults equally.
Poverty of Support Network
In environment where the mentality of "Every man for himself and survival of the fittest" loneliness is a harsh reality. People are more focused on survival than helping anyone else in need.
Poverty of Civic Involvement
Leadership, cooperation, and collaboration are often absent from their community culture as people focus on survival.
Economic Poverty

Those living in poverty often survive on less than $55 per month.